At the time of the advent of Islam injustice, oppression, and destruction was glooming in every part of the world from east to west. In the Arabian Peninsula, the situation was even worse because there was no central government trying to maintain peace and justice even for the name sake. There was only one rule of law, might is right.
At that time, the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) united the warring tribes and clans of Arabia into a single nation. In just ten years the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) established an administrative system and a society the likeness of which cannot be found!
From complete lawlessness, divinely guided laws and morality dominated the field of administration in its entirety. Taqwa became an essential ingredient in the political atmosphere ensuing complete justice for every single individual.
The entire Arabian Peninsula was changed from a tribal society to a society based on religious brotherhood which ultimately transcended geographical boundaries, racial and linguistic differences.
Just think about it, isn’t all this worth learning ourselves and teaching to our younger generations? Come and join us as we dive into exploring the administrative system of the greatest administrator the world has ever seen!
What Will You Learn:
- Understanding of the pre-Islamic political and social institutions in the Arabian Peninsula.
- A comprehensive introduction to the administrative system implemented by the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him).
Unique Features of the Course:
High quality maps, graphics and illustrations will help you to understand the course materials seamlessly and effectively, inshaAllah.
Who is this course for?
This course is for everyone from any walk of life who has an interest in Islam, and particularly anyone who is curious to learn more about this fascinating chapter of human history. From an adolescent to an adult learner, this course has interesting learning material for people of every age and place.
This course includes:
- Full HD videos.
- Full lifetime access.
- Certificate of Completion.
- And a friend to consult with for the rest of the life! inshaAllah 🙂
Still not convinced about enrolling in the course? Well guess what Module 1 (Pre-Islamic Arabia) is available for free viewing! do check it out below.
Course Curriculum
Meet the Course Instructor | |||
A note of thank | 00:00:00 | ||
Pre-Islamic Arabia | |||
Arabian Peninsula | 00:02:00 | ||
Pre-Islamic Arabs | 00:03:00 | ||
The Ancient Arab Kingdoms Part 1 | 00:02:00 | ||
The Ancient Arab Kingdoms Part 2 | 00:02:00 | ||
The Ancient Arab Kingdoms Part 3 | 00:01:00 | ||
The Ancient Arab Kingdoms Part 4 | 00:01:00 | ||
The Ancient Arab Kingdoms Part 5 | 00:03:00 | ||
Module 1 – Do You Know? | 00:03:00 | ||
The Bedouin Society | |||
Social Organization of the Bedouin Society | 00:04:00 | ||
Political Organization of the Bedouin Society | 00:02:00 | ||
Religious Organization of the Bedouin Society | 00:01:00 | ||
Module 2 – Do You Know? | 00:02:00 | ||
The City State of Makkah | |||
Political Organization of the City State of Makkah | 00:02:00 | ||
Foreign Affairs of the City State of Makkah | 00:01:00 | ||
Commercial Organization of the City State of Makkah | 00:02:00 | ||
Judicial Administration of the City State of Makkah | 00:02:00 | ||
Module 3 – Do You Know? | 00:02:00 | ||
Pre-Islamic Arabian Municipal Features | |||
Streets & Lights | 00:02:00 | ||
Water & Sanitation | 00:01:00 | ||
Municipal Measures of Makkah | 00:01:00 | ||
Module 4 – Do You Know? | 00:03:00 | ||
Dhul Hijjah Bonus Modules | |||
Bonus Module 1 Part 1 | 00:04:00 | ||
Bonus Module 1 Part 2 | 00:02:00 | ||
Bonus Module 1 Part 3 | 00:02:00 | ||
Bonus Module 2 | 00:04:00 | ||
Bonus Module 3 | 00:04:00 | ||
Bonus Module 4 | 00:04:00 | ||
Bonus Module 5 | 00:03:00 | ||
Bonus Module 6 | 00:05:00 | ||
Bonus Module 7 | 00:03:00 | ||
Bonus Module 8 | 00:03:00 | ||
Bonus Module 9 – 1 | 00:13:00 | ||
Bonus Module 9 – 2 | 00:14:00 | ||
Bonus Module 10 | 00:06:00 | ||
Bonus Module 11 | 00:06:00 | ||
Bonus Module 12 | 00:07:00 | ||
Military Organization in the Pre-Islamic Arabia | |||
00:00 | |||
The Islamic Revolution in Arabia | |||
00:00 | |||
State Administration under the Noble Prophet (Peace be upon him) | |||
00:00 | |||
The Prophet’s Secretariat (Peace be upon him) | |||
00:00 | |||
Provincial Administration under the Noble Prophet (Peace be upon him) | |||
00:00 | |||
Sources of Revenue under the Noble Prophet (Peace be upon him) | |||
00:00 | |||
Religious Organization under the Noble Prophet (Peace be upon him) | |||
00:00 | |||
The Muslim Army under the Noble Prophet (Peace be upon him) | |||
00:00 |
Masha Allah 🙂 The author has made this very interesting with graphics and each class contains info in a concise manner and it feels so easy to learn and get to know more. Thank you Br Hunain Aijaz.
Many thanks to Brother Hunain for presenting the course in such a beautiful and easy way. I have read several biographies of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). I used to draw pictures of the historical places mentioned in the book in my mind. The most beautiful thing about this course is that the places I imagined I can see in the video and are easily and described, Alhamdulillah. Ma sha’allah Borther! May Allah accept your efforts and may you continue to work for the benefit of the Muslim Ummah, Ameen!
Outstanding course
My experience in taking part of these lectures have been amazing, enlightening and outstanding.
This course has triggered more curiosity to learn about the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). I have enjoyed the high quality videos and the unique explanations of the topics. May Allah continuously bless Brother Hunain for his great and relentless efforts. Ameen.
Thoughtful and helpful presentation
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. One of the most difficult part for me to study the history of Islam is names. This course provides a clear presentation of the locations of tribes and places and their names. It is obvious that a lot of effort has been made to produce such a thoughtful presentation. It helps a lot. May سبحانه وتعالى ،الله, reward all those who have participated in making this programme. جزاكم الله خيرا
I am enjoying the course immensely
Very straight forward and excellent visuals
Just something to point out in module 2 Do you know
The Bedouin are in multiple countries including Palestine and OCCUPIED PALESTINE
I really thank you for the hard work and time put in this course
As salaamu alaykum
Jazakumullahu khayran for your kind feedback.
It is a valuable point to note about the present context of Palestine.
Jazakumullahu khayran
Maaha’ALLAH Alhmadulillahillazi BI NI imatihi tatimnu salihat
Ma sha Allah
It was really amazing
Masha Allah
The course was very impressive.
ليبارك الله فيك
MashaAllah I am very benefited from this course. May God reward you. May God
give us the ability to work with what we have heard
جزاكم الله خيرا
Good day
Masha Allah this causes was very impressed
The prophetic adminstration
I necer used to believe that I could get knowledge of these kinds of lessons from the comfort of my home. But this proved me wrong, This convinced me that I can go much farther than this and quench my thirst of knowledge just by a click. May Allah reward you for this and make us from those that benefit and teach what we’ve learnt here.
Key Events before the Advent of the Prophet SAW
This course (PropheticAdministration) has become a very important life changer. It provides brief details about key issues before and after the Prophet SAW. It provides great ideas on how to survive in the present generation when Islam has become a contemporary issue. I so much love this course.
Jazaakumullaahu khairran brother Hunain for being such a marvellous lecturer.
The course is very informative and the best thing is the instructor is always available to chat if you jave any confusion regarding the course!
The precise information helped with my short term focus. Great work.
Masha Allah, the course is very interesting.
Jazakallahu Khairan WA Baraka Fiik.
Very nice and very interesting.
The best course.
Maa shaa Allah, this course help me alot in understand more about the course I took in IOU, ‘The Seal Necter’ due to its uniqueness of making graphical demonstrations.
I pray may Allah increase you in knowledge, Instructor Hunain.
Jazakumullaahu khairan.
Arabian peninsula, pre ISLAMIC Arabs, the ancient Arab kingdom 1 and 2, the Bedouin society
Really enjoyed the lecture
Therefore give these lecture five stars
This course is very educational
This is a golden opportunity to have the privilege of studying Prophetic traditions and his system of administration, the contents are clear and concise, and very easy to learn. The graphics is captivating.
Firstly, I’m very grateful for Almighty Allaah who give me this opportunity to join this beautiful and beneficial course. I’m also grateful for Dr. Bilal Phillips who founded the entire IOU and it’s subsidiary (Ilm Institute). My special gratitude still goes to our respected Shaykh, Hunain Aijaz who introduced this beautiful course. Indeed, the course is very informative and beneficial, it contains authentic historical image of our dear religion, the graphics are more than clear and understandable, the background Nasheed also makes the videos interesting. May Allaah reward with Jannatul Firdaws.
Marshall ahh.. This was a great course. The quality videos. Our humorous teacher in keeping us alert during teaching. Lastly the content, have been so beneficial on understanding the tribes, political system, routes used by other nation on their way to Mecca, etc. It helped understand the impact of the prophet even more.
I am really excited to complete this course, I always had this inclination to show it to the world, how my Prophet s.a.w. possessed the best administrative skills. I was not able to prove it specifically in context to current style of management, but with the help of this course inshaa’Allah I will be able to prove my point. The creator of this course is gradually enabling the students understand how everything was managed and organized in those old times. Jazakum Allah khair for all the efforts
Gratitude in Modern Academic Trends.
I have really benefited from this course and I’ll recommend it for other families and friends as well.
JazaakumuLLahu Khayran to all persons that supported the program, especially our lecturer for doing such a great job.
It was my dream to take over this course, Alhamdullah I got selected on scholarship quota.
The course is very educative.
I really like it.
Alhamdulillah for this effort, the explanation of the lessons are short, but comprehensive. The pictures and designs helped alot in remembering the events explained. I have benefited alot from this course and we hope to see more of this kind courses or its continuation.
جزاك الله خيرا brother Hunain.
Educative and well understandable
Alhamdu lillah I am very much happy about the course is well establish and everything about it is clear and easy to understand. The explanation of the topics is very clear and well stated, may Allah Swt bless all those who put their efforts together to make this possible and easy for us
Very interesting course
This course is extremely interesting and educative. I have learned a lot. May Allah continue to bless our able and energetic instructor.
Words can’t explain how I appreciate taking part in this course.
Beautiful Baarakallahu fiik Tutor
May Allah reward you abundantly for every effort you put in creating this course. It is beautiful, informative, engaging and an asset to the ummah.
Very Beneficial
Jazak Allahu Khayran. This course is very beneficial. Thanks for sharing this knowledge in a very interesting and easy way. May Allah Reward you more.
I no longer access the videos for module 4
I am trying to continue from where I stopped but the module videos are no longer coming up
Precise and interesting presentation.