Personal Details


Hunain Aijaz

Instructor Information


I am a student of knowledge from over a decade now. My courses are just a humble attempt to share the knowledge which I have gained over the past many years.

I am also one of the oldest volunteers and staff of IOU. And have been involved in almost all the projects of IOU.

I have a bachelor’s from the University of Karachi where I majored in Islamic Studies, Islamic History, and Political Science.

During my masters from the same university, my major subjects were:

  • Muslim Revivalist Movements
  • History of Muslim Jurisprudence
  • Muslim Political Thought
  • Islamic Historiography
  • Islamic Civilization and Culture

Because of my work experience in the online educational environment for over a decade now, I also have a sweet tooth in IT and edu-tech related work.

From leading a rich team of academic coordinators and course developers to teaching hundreds of university students every semester, alhamdu lillah I have done it all by the grace of Allah.

It has been a rather interesting journey, so I hope through my courses I can share a few things with all of you that will be of benefit to you.

Courses by Instructor
