Allah mentions in the Quran,

يُحِبُّهُمۡ وَيُحِبُّونَهُۥ
He will love them and they will love Him

This course is an elaboration on this particular part of the aayah of the Quran. This course outlines the traits of the believing slave and their mannerisms as well as the rewards that Allah provides for these believers.

This is an open invitation to all the believers who are addressed directly in the Best of the Books by the King of the Kings. This course will enable re-visit our Imaan in Allah, enrich our love for Him and re-acquaint us with His Love for us.

Course Curriculum

Module 1
Introduction Module 1 00:07:00
What is required from us 1 00:06:00
What is required from us 2 00:26:00
What is required from us 3 00:15:00
Module 2
Taking care of your matters 1 00:09:00
Taking care of your matters 2 00:05:00
Protection from Duniya 1 00:04:00
Protection from Duniya 2 00:10:00
Gentleness and good manners 1 00:04:00
Gentleness and good manners 2 00:18:00
Module 3
Acceptance on the earth 00:03:00
Being Tested 1 00:03:00
Being Tested 2 00:06:00
Being Tested 3 00:11:00
Death upon Righteous deeds 1 00:09:00
Death upon Righteous deeds 2 00:04:00
Module 4
Safety from Hellfire and enemies 1 00:06:00
Safety from Hellfire and enemies 2 00:03:00
Allah will grant more Faith 00:05:00
Module 5
How will the Slave Love Allah 1 00:04:00
How will the Slave Love Allah 2 00:04:00
How will the Slave Love Allah 3 00:11:00
Following the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) 00:08:00
Final Exam
Final Exam: He Will Love Them 00:30:00

Course Reviews


4 ratings
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  1. Amazing masha Allah


    Asalaam alaykum. Jazakumullahi khayran. This course came at a right time in my life as I consider a turning point. The instructor was excellent so was the content comprising ayas from the Quran and hadiths.
    I recommend the course to everyone who yearns to be closer to Allah SWT.

  2. A must do course for everyone


    This course is really beautiful, very well composed and very beautiful examples and easy to understand

  3. 5

    Alhamdulillah very!! Good course

  4. 5

    Alhamdulilllah great course!

  • $20.00
  • Course Certificate
  • Number of Sections6
  • Number of Units23
  • Number of Quizzes1
  • Gift this course