The course is though short but fulfils a long-due need of an academic and systematic study of Islam and feminism on the status and role of woman in family and in society. This course is two-folded — because it covers the coining of the term feminism, protofeminism and Liberal feminism from classical to contemporary times; and at the same time, it presents a holistic Islamic portrayal on woman in family and society. The course also clarifies many misconceptions that surrounded the Islamic stance on woman. The course strikes off many of the patriarchal and misogynistic images that are presented on the Islamic position of woman. The course has addressed two most controversial issues of the contemporary times — (1) non-conventional sexual identities – LGBTQI and the Islamic position on them; and (2) the so-called Islamic feminism which claims that it is a feminist discourse within Islam to liberate, develop and empower women. The course has critically explored the main arguments of Islamic feminists and showed that there is hardly any Islam left in the so-called Islamic feminism and so it is mainly promoting feminist agenda of Western cultural imperialism.


What Will You Learn:

Students would get a critical insight into feminism on one side and would also get a comprehensive and holistic position of Islam on the status and role of woman in family and society on the other side. Since this course is designed and approached from holistic Islamic perspective, students would also understand the close relationship between feminism and Western civilization and the intimate ideological connection between Islamic civilization and the Islamic position on woman. This course would also help the students to build a proper critical framework to analyse any subject/topic under study before accepting the given subject/topic at prima facie.


Who is this course for?

Everyone is welcome to join.


Entry Requirements:

Students would be expected to have some understanding of Islam and feminism and the contemporary issues related to woman.


Course Curriculum

Module 1
Introduction FREE 00:01:00
Course Topics FREE 00:02:00
Course Framework FREE 00:02:00
Coventional vs Holistic 00:05:00
Concept of Civilization 00:07:00
Key Terms 00:01:00
Acknowledgements 00:05:00
TAUK 00:05:00
Closing Statements 00:03:00
Module 2
Introduction 00:01:00
Mesopotamia & Egypt 00:07:00
Greek & Roman 00:05:00
Medieval & Renaissance Periods 00:06:00
Age of Enlightenment 00:09:00
Holistic Approach 00:06:00
The Prophets 00:09:00
Conclusion 00:01:00
Module 3
Introduction 00:02:00
Misogyny 00:07:00
Marriage 00:07:00
Publications 00:06:00
Education 00:07:00
Economic 00:06:00
Politics 00:03:00
Patriarchal 00:10:00
What do we want 00:19:00
Module 4
Introduction 00:04:00
Origin of the Term 00:08:00
Ideas of Fourier 00:14:00
Mary Wollstonecraft 00:19:00
Seneca Falls Convention 00:03:00
Definitions of Feminism 00:09:00
Critical Reflections 00:12:00
Module 5
Introduction 00:02:00
Liberalism 00:05:00
19th Century Liberal Feminism 00:10:00
Betty Friedan Part 1 00:11:00
Betty Friedan Part 2 00:07:00
Betty Friedan Part 3 00:14:00
The Third Wave 00:30:00
Module 6
Introduction 00:03:00
Complete System 00:09:00
Family in Islam 00:20:00
Co-civilizer 00:13:00
Chaste Pearls 00:06:00
Module 7
Women Educators 00:07:00
Women’s Economic Contributions 00:12:00
Politics & Battlefield 00:28:00
Module 8
Introduction 00:02:00
Homosexuality 00:11:00
Bisexuality 00:03:00
Khuntha & Mukhannath Part 1 00:19:00
Khuntha & Mukhannath Part 2 00:21:00
Forced Inclusion of Intersex 00:03:00
Genderless Society 00:05:00
Confusion of Terminologies 00:12:00
Problematic Interpretations of the Quran 00:21:00
Module 9
Introduction 00:07:00
Colonial Era 00:18:00
Origin of Islamic Feminism 00:09:00
Views Islamic Feminists Part 1 00:32:00
Views Islamic Feminists Part 2 00:10:00
Views Islamic Feminists Part 3 00:14:00
Feminism Incompatible-1 00:10:00
Feminism Incompatible-2 00:15:00
Feminism Incompatible-3 00:09:00
Feminism Incompatible-4 00:05:00
Feminism Incompatible-5 00:07:00
Feminism Incompatible-6 00:11:00
Conclusion 00:01:00
Final Exam
Final Exam: Islamic Feminism 00:30:00

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  • $80.00
  • Course Certificate
  • Number of Sections10
  • Number of Units70
  • Number of Quizzes1
  • Gift this course