Strengthen The Knot


Courses Included

Marriage is a beautiful knot that Allah blesses mankind with. However, at times, it is tried and tested. In such times, what should our approach be? Are we going to swallow our ego and try to resolve the problem? Or will we add fuel to the fire? Learn how to ‘Strengthen the Knot’ with Sr. Bela Khan in her exclusive SISTERS-ONLY course to enhance the bond of love and affection between a wife and her husband.

SKU: BK2 Category:


“And one of His signs is that He has created for you, spouses from amongst yourselves so that you might take comfort in them and He has placed between you, love and mercy. In this there is surely evidence (of the truth) for the people who carefully think.” (Surah 30, Verse 21)

Marriage doesn’t come with an instruction booklet. Once married, spouses usually have only each other to rely upon in building their marriage one moment at a time. The path can be winding and arduous with many detours along the way. However, with some prior planning, you can achieve marital bliss with your spouse while constructing a solid union in the light of the Quran and Sunnah of Muhammad (sallahu alhai wa salam).

For Sisters ONLY, our course “Strengthening the Knot” taught by Sr. Bela Khan provides real insights into marriage as well as teaches techniques that each spouse can utilize to create a marital environment of peace, respect and mutual understanding.

Regardless of whether you are a newlywed or someone who has been married for a decade, illuminate your marriage in this world and the Hereafter with wisdom that works by Strengthening the Knot.

You Will Learn:

  • To maintain your connection with Allah Almighty as a first step towards marital bliss
  • How to make a meaningful connection with your spouse that will stand the test of time
  • Ways to identify the assets that your spouse brings to the marriage and skills to overcome perceived shortcomings
  • To encourage spiritual growth in one another and plant a garden of Islamic faithfulness that will bloom in the Hereafter. Insha’Allah
  • & so much more!

Marriage is meant to last a lifetime. After completing our course Strengthening the Knot, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to meet the trials and tribulations of married life head on while preserving your bond.
