
Introduction to Islamic Law

$15.00 (50%)

The course offers an overview of Islamic law covering both its religious historical and contemporary dimensions.

SKU: LY1 Category:


Have you always thought that Shariah is Islamic law?
Have you been confused between Shariah and Fiqh?
Have you been hearing different opinions about Islamic law?

Here is your chance to clarify your stance about Shariah, Fiqh and what makes Islamic law unique! This course will take you through scholarly opinions that establish the nature and scope of Islamic law, the modern dimensions of Islamic law and a lot more!


Top takeaways from this course

  • After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
  • Describe the scope, origins, sources, methods and principles of Islamic law
  • Describe the history of Islamic law and appreciate its role in the contemporary world
  • Critically evaluate the status of legal schools of thoughts in Islamic law
  • Reconcile between the differences found in the madhabs
  • Explain the main features of Islamic law
  • Critically evaluate the importance of Islamic law and its place in the world


What will be covered

  • The nature and purpose of Islamic Law
  • The historical, religious and modern dimensions of Islamic Law
  • The scope, principles and objectives of Islamic Law
  • The main features of Islamic law
  • The importance of Islamic law and its place in the world


Aim of this course
This course aims to explore and investigate what has been said and written about Islamic Law by both Muslim and Non-Muslim scholars with a view of establishing the nature and purpose of Islamic Law, the historical, religious and modern dimensions of Islamic Law and much more.


Why should you attend?
This is the perfect course for you to learn about Shariah, Fiqh and other dimensions of Islamic law. All you need to do is click the register to get lifetime access!


Module details

  • Module 1: Orientation
  • Module 2: The scope of Islamic law
  • Module 3: Objectives of Islamic Law
  • Module 4: Principles of Islamic Law
  • Module 5:Sources of Islamic Law
  • Module 6: Ijtihad and Taqlid
  • Module 7: Understanding Madhabs Part 1
  • Module 8: Understanding Madhabs Part 2
  • Module 9: Islamic Law in the modern world
  • Module 10: Summary and Conclusion