
He Will Love Them

$10.00 (50%)

Courses Included

This course aims at addressing the beautiful relationship between Allah and His slaves. This course will strive bi izni Allah to address the heart of a true slave of Allah who yearns for a true and sincere relationship with his Creator.

SKU: JA1 Category:


Allah mentions in the Quran,

يُحِبُّهُمۡ وَيُحِبُّونَهُۥ
He will love them and they will love Him

This course is an elaboration on this particular part of the aayah of the Quran. This course outlines the traits of the believing slave and their mannerisms as well as the rewards that Allah provides for these believers.

This is an open invitation to all the believers who are addressed directly in the Best of the Books by the King of the Kings. This course will enable re-visit our Imaan in Allah, enrich our love for Him and re-acquaint us with His Love for us.
