
16 Ways to Increase Your Rizq (Income) In Islaam

$25.00 (50%)

This course is for all those who want to learn about how to increase their rizq (income) according to Qur’aan and Sunnah. There are many ways of increasing your rizq but in this course you will learn specifically 16 easy ways to increase your rizq in’sha’Allaah. If one is able to apply these techniques in’sha’Allaah they will not only see an increase but so much more in their lives.

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Are you struggling financially?

Are you not sure how to increase your income?

Is getting a job something that seems impossible for you?

Do you feel that your life is not blessed with rizq?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions then in’sha’Allaah this course is for you. In this course you will learn how to in’sha’Allaah change your direction so that the rizq becomes a blessing that comes to you all of the time. This isn’t a hoax, or a get rich overnight class. Its practical steps that must be taken for it to work in’sha’Allaah.


What Will You Learn:

  • What does the term rizq mean?
  • What are the different methods of increasing rizq(income)?
  • How are these ways to increase rizq a for sure guarantee for us?
  • What personality traits are needed to aid us in increasing our rizq?
  • Who are some Sahabas who were rich, and how did they increase their rizq?


What Will Be Covered:

  • Personality traits needed to increase one’s rizq
  • Teachings of the Qur’aan and Sunnah that when applied will change your future in’sha’Allaah.
  • Secrets of successfully earning halal rizq


Aim of This Course:

Through this course, you will learn what rizq actually means in Islaam and how to increase it. You will get insights in different methods of earning rizq and what you should be doing to increase it. You will learn guiding principles that will help you succeed in this life and the hereafter.


Why Should You Attend?

People have always been struggling very hard to be successful in their businesses or daily jobs. Financially many of them are suffering and not sure how they can change the hand they have right now. The challenge they face is that they are unaware of the teachings of Qur’aan and Sunnah regarding earning halal rizq and how to increase it without using inappropriate methods. Many people use interest and other methods but those don’t increase they actually decrease it. It is important for Muslims to live a life according to Islaam and to feed themselves and their families with halal rizq. You just need to make an effort to find out the proper ways of doing everything so that you are not violating the values of Islaam and to live a life accordingly. This course from Zohra Sarwari will help you set a strong foundation for how to increase your rizq and what you need to do to make sure that your successful.


Topics Covered in the Course

  • What is Rizq?
  • Relationship with Allaah
  • Importance of Niyyah
  • Rizq and Relationships
  • Earning Halal Rizq
  • Methods of increasing Rizq
  • Providing service to society
  • Etiquettes of Business